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    Thursday, October 23, 2008

    Sad times and crappy food

    What is it about sad times that make you eat junk? I'm not talking that quiet hot chocolate with extra sugar to just get you over the hump, i'm talking handfuls of chips and chocolate, fried crap that you pass off as lunch and anything that makes your tongue hurt cause it's not the kind of food that should be eaten in great quantities...... Am off to a funeral this afternoon, for a four year old, crap times indeed. Funerals for children are bad enough, but this one brings back all the pain from when our best friends son died (he was 11), and with the pain comes the sense of slipping back over the edge of depression for me. We spent time with them overseas just after it happened, then we returned home they were here in australia to bury him and i spent another week with them then, afterwards i found that i couldn't get off the couch even to do anything with my own children. It was a horrible really hard time, and today feels like it all over again, to the point where i just want to deny that any of it is happening at all.
    So, what to do? Well, for me, prayer to start with, and then some calming breaths, and then no buying of crap food, and finally telling people that it is crap and i'm really upset about it and making some space to do some more mourning for not only the life they lost, but for others as well.
    thanks for listening.

    1 comment:

    Bek said...

    How are you going with all of these things now Annie?
    I hope things are ok.
    I like your photos, big you and shrinking you. There's lots of smiles and love in them!
    Thanks for commenting on my blog
    Hope you start posting again soon