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    Thursday, October 23, 2008

    Sad times and crappy food

    What is it about sad times that make you eat junk? I'm not talking that quiet hot chocolate with extra sugar to just get you over the hump, i'm talking handfuls of chips and chocolate, fried crap that you pass off as lunch and anything that makes your tongue hurt cause it's not the kind of food that should be eaten in great quantities...... Am off to a funeral this afternoon, for a four year old, crap times indeed. Funerals for children are bad enough, but this one brings back all the pain from when our best friends son died (he was 11), and with the pain comes the sense of slipping back over the edge of depression for me. We spent time with them overseas just after it happened, then we returned home they were here in australia to bury him and i spent another week with them then, afterwards i found that i couldn't get off the couch even to do anything with my own children. It was a horrible really hard time, and today feels like it all over again, to the point where i just want to deny that any of it is happening at all.
    So, what to do? Well, for me, prayer to start with, and then some calming breaths, and then no buying of crap food, and finally telling people that it is crap and i'm really upset about it and making some space to do some more mourning for not only the life they lost, but for others as well.
    thanks for listening.

    Weigh in

    Have weighed in and am now down to 81kgs, which is fantastic. Was planning to be under 80 by my brother's wedding which was last fortnight. Clearly that did not happen, however I did manage to find a fabulous dress now that i'm a true size 16.
    So, new plan is to be under 80 by mid Nov. Clearly a doable thing!

    In other exciting news bought a pair of jeans last night that were on sale, bought a size smaller than normal as the original pair are getting a bit baggy on me, expected to put them away for another few weeks, but did try them on last night and turns out they fit!! Woohoo, my first size 14 for I don't know how long, it's all getting better and better.

    On the crappy side my kids are sick and i've had no sleep, oh well, could be worse, at least they are happy to lie on the couch when not feeling well.

    Cheers for now!

    Saturday, October 18, 2008

    A long time between drinks

    It's been sooooo long since I posted last, considering no-one actually reads this blog it's probably not too much of a tragedy. Lots of crappy stuff has happened since the last post, the short version is;
    • husband hurt his neck quite badly
    • I managed to hurt my hip but we thought it was my back
    • a friends 4 year old daughter died

    On a positive note my brother got married (Congrats Shaun) and we're all very excited about that. So, no posting has happened, what's happened about the excerise and weight stuff?? Well, glad you asked (NOT), I was doing great with the workouts at home and the gym at a mates place until I started working 4 days a week, which was a real killer, not planning to do that again any time soon, ugh. Also then I managed to hurt myself which was also crap and was having spasms in my back every everning after a day of just ordinary life, what I did discover was that the healthy eating can go on no matter what's happening and that having done all that good work building some muscle I still managed to keep losing weight, and then kept it off while eating not sooo well that last few weeks.

    So, am now about to re-start my life again, feels a bit like i've been on hold, will be back into the exercise dvd's and back out at the gym lifting weights and my mini goal is to get myself under 80kgs, i've been hanging out to cross this off my list, just seriously can't wait (weight!) to be there and to be able to yell it out at the top of my lungs for the world to hear.

    My timeframe is looking at by the end of November which gives me plenty of time and then to be 77kgs by Christmas, that should have me getting close to another size smaller clothing also!

    Found a beautiful dress that I wore to my brothers wedding in a size 16 and was so excited to be able to pick stuff off the rack knowing it would fit, or sometimes even be a bit large!!! woo hoo.

    Will post some pics when we get them of my sexy self now!

