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    Sunday, August 10, 2008

    Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work we go

    So, like the inevitable 'incredible story' of the Olympics, I wrote that I had finally got the exercise thing under control and was looking forward to and getting up to do it in the mornings. I had scheduled my rest days as my two work days, it was all working a treat and then.... I managed to find more work than day and now i'm going to be at work 4 days for the next three weeks and have no idea how to fit in my previous exercise without getting up at 6am - i'm just not that girl. Ugh. Yay for the work though, makes me look good which is always something you want when you contract is coming up for renewal, but otherwise....doh.

    Okay, so here's the plan i've hastily cobbled together:
    Monday - still rest day
    Tues - do exercise after work start at 4.45pm and put kids in room to read books while i do it
    Wed - home day, no worries will get up in morning
    Thurs - have pre-made dinner and will be lifting weights with friend
    Fri - rest day

    Weeked as per normal

    So, every weekend i need to pre-cook one meal and plan one oven based meal so i can work out!
    I can do this, i do have the power of choices and i can eat smart while i'm at work so i'm not putting on lots of extra calories then either. Ta Da!

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