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    Monday, August 11, 2008

    I suppose now i could put away that sledgehammer....

    and not use it to crush both my sets of scales...which is what i was thinking of doing if i got on them one more time to discover that for all of my HARD work there had been no weight loss at all!
    So, weighed in this morning and happy to relate that I am now 83kgs, down a whole kilo!

    And have also lost about 15kgs of stress related load thanks to a very understanding a sensible lecturer at CSU who has given me an extension so that I can get my paid work done and still have my kids remember who i am! Yay for people who actually get it.

    Hope your day is as raring as mine!

    Sunday, August 10, 2008

    Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work we go

    So, like the inevitable 'incredible story' of the Olympics, I wrote that I had finally got the exercise thing under control and was looking forward to and getting up to do it in the mornings. I had scheduled my rest days as my two work days, it was all working a treat and then.... I managed to find more work than day and now i'm going to be at work 4 days for the next three weeks and have no idea how to fit in my previous exercise without getting up at 6am - i'm just not that girl. Ugh. Yay for the work though, makes me look good which is always something you want when you contract is coming up for renewal, but otherwise....doh.

    Okay, so here's the plan i've hastily cobbled together:
    Monday - still rest day
    Tues - do exercise after work start at 4.45pm and put kids in room to read books while i do it
    Wed - home day, no worries will get up in morning
    Thurs - have pre-made dinner and will be lifting weights with friend
    Fri - rest day

    Weeked as per normal

    So, every weekend i need to pre-cook one meal and plan one oven based meal so i can work out!
    I can do this, i do have the power of choices and i can eat smart while i'm at work so i'm not putting on lots of extra calories then either. Ta Da!

    Thursday, August 7, 2008

    and welcome to me..

    So, below is a post from my old blog, was going to bring them all over and then decided i was far too lazy for that, this one has the most recent details on it so can move on from here.... if you're really keen the old one is
    Anyway, tada, i'm now onto a better site (hopefully) and will blog my heart out as i get my big butt moving!
    Hope you enjoy reading!

    Did those measurements again in the morning and weighed myself and FINALLY, HOORAY i’m down a kilo! So am now 84kgs and only two kilos away from winning the 5 kilo challenge.
    Now that i’ve started the new program i’m putting in the measurements that they have suggested which are a bit different, but still show a decrease in size which is great. Got a nice compliment from my hubby this morning when he said he though i looked like i’d lost weight and i definately had more energy.
    Weight 84kgs dress size 16-18
    Upper Chest 104cm Bust 109.5cm midriff 89.5
    upper arm 35.5
    waist 95 upper hip 104 lower hip 116
    upper thigh 68.5 mid thigh 63 calf 43
    So, onward and downward. I realise now that i have been spending time avoiding things because i thought i was too big for them whereas now i feel like i am getting the energy to do whatever i want and i’m not waiting to enjoy my life. This is the size i am now, i’m working on it, it’s no secret that i’m overweight and yet i think i believed that if i wore baggy enough clothes no one would know. So, here’s to a newer me, one who is working on it and in the meantime what you see is what you get!