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    Tuesday, April 14, 2009

    Easter & a kilo!

    So, easter is past, had myself some yummy dark chocolate eggs (thanks hubby) and had pre-planned saving points and eating some really low point meals on Easter Sunday so was stoked to have got on the scales to weigh in on Monday and lost another kilo!!!! Woohooo.
    May i say again how well ww is working out for me! So, 3kgs in 3 weeks. My lovely fantasy is that i can keep up this pace for the first 5 weeks and hit the 5kgs before going away to a workshop for a week. I think the additional weight loss will be great motivation to go walking in the mornings and evenings as i will have no control over the food while i'm there (i will of course have control over my healthy food choices - and have big plans to take my own biccies and snacks to have during the days)
    I'm now a cm away from fitting into some jeans i bought 2 years ago while on an OS holiday, they are a wonderful length for me, and they have an adjustable waist, i bought them thinking great while i keep losing weight i'll be able to adjust these they'll be wonderful....did i mention it was 2 years ago.....hmmmm

    So, did an exercise class at the local gym tonight, freebie thank goodness, no way i can afford the gym, and a crappy time (6pm when there's feeding and getting ready for bed to be done) but it was good to do something different, might be an idea to shake it up once a month or something for a bit of extra motivation. Girlfriend warned me that it was a terrible class in terms of feeling like you were gonna die....sad to say that although my shoulders are feeling tender it was no different than my current weighs dvd. Oh well.

    Anyway, off for a relaxing radox bath, i think next post i must talk about some of the wonderful recipes that we've tried!

    Thursday, April 9, 2009

    How to smash roadblocks

    You know the friend, the one who's great fun and who you love lots and yet never wants to support the things that are important to you and can't understand anything she hasn't experienced herself. So, you end up spending half your time coming home having had a wonderful time and the other half so p'd off that you want to break things! How do we cope with these people in our lives? Well, i know what my mate Dani would say, start praying for help with forgiveness - and i do agree, i really need some help with that one. I think there's another side though, about how to accept that people are not going to behave the way you believe they should and as long as they aren't so toxic that it's damaging you then i think it's worth continuing to be friends. It's about being able to balance your frustration with an equal amount of knowing that what is important to you is actually important whether it's validated or not, and at the end of the day not being manipulated into something that's bad for you.
    There was a great quote on Oprah not that long ago that i love, it was
    "when you say no to someone and they start arguing with you, you need to ask yourself, why is this person trying to control me?"
    Something i think a lot of women should think about, when you say a clear no you don't need to give a reason, you should be respected for your no, and if you're not, well that says something about the other person doesn't it!

    Hope you all have a wonderful easter,
    cheers & big ears!

    Wednesday, April 8, 2009

    Wow, it astounds me...

    that for so long i've been carrying around all this extra weight and not been doing something about it! I know that i'm only in my third week of ww online, but it's just been so easy, i've put aside some time and made an effort to actually organise menus and plan to buy food, we've had a couple of budget meals and won't make them again, but recipes are always a guess anyway. I've been having a few squares of dark choc when the craving hits - which it hasn't been - it's like i'm a new person. I love living like this, i feel light, i feel healthy, why the hell didn't i do this years ago!!! I was working out at a friends gym with my best girl for months and she was breastfeeding & doing ww points and i was just eating crap but saying i was working out!!
    So, writing this down in case i ever have a mad moment, but i feel a bit like a biggest loser contestant - I WILL NEVER GO BACK TO THAT WEIGHT AND THOSE CRAZY EATING WAYS.
    Am so pleased with the 2kgs in 2 weeks and am trying to be realistic and not be disappointed when my weight loss slows to 0.5gks a week, so would love to have 5kgs off in 5 weeks! That's my next big milestone, and that would put me at the 80, then it's only a hop and a skip until i'm under 80 which sadly i have not been for faaaarrr tooooo long!!

    okay, off to ride while i watch the Gruen transfer!

    Sunday, April 5, 2009

    Sloggin it out with WW

    I know, I know, I said I would post those measurements and I will, just getting the computer and piece of paper in the same room is waaaay more challenging that you would imagine!
    So, WW meal plans have been fab, we've found some meals we love!! and some we would never make again! Loving the online tracking and sshhhh, weighed myself this morning (even though weigh in is tomorrow) and if it all goes the same tomorrow...i've lost another kilo (ssshhh, don't jinx it!)

    Anyhoo, will post those measurements....soon, i promise!

    Will report after weigh in tomorrow!