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    Sunday, October 30, 2011

    And then it struck!

    So, the deadly virus has struck. I have the most awful sore throat, combined with what I call my sex phone voice. I have been surviving for the last two days continuing to deny that there's anything wrong. It was only when I went into the office this morning and realised I didn't want to be one of 'those' people, so I collected my gear and have been working from home so I don't infect anyone.
    How is this different? Well, instead of giving up I'm upping the fluids, eating well and am going to attend my exercise class tonight even though the easy option would be to not go (and I have to take the kids with me this time). 3 months ago I would have used feeling a bit yuck as an excuse to eat junk and then do nothing and end up feeling worse.
    It's a start.


    Saturday, October 29, 2011

    It may just be a visit - I actually don't know

    So, I'm back, maybe just for a post, maybe for me, I'm still not sure. While trying to juggle being a mum, working, studying, volunteering, being a wife and I don't know, writing policy for the childcare centre the blog just kind of got left off.

    Not sure why I'm back yet. Have really enjoyed reading a lot of other people's blogs - particularly around study time when procrastination needs are high.

    A general update would be that I'm back on WW - the online thing just didn't have sticking power for me, so as there's no local meeting within an hours drive I've gone with the at home package which includes 13 weeks of phone follow up. My consultants name is Jenny and I love her in a deeply disturbing way. She has hit the nail on the head every time for me. I have lost 4.5kgs in 6 weeks. My weight had ballooned to the highest ever. The sadness of moving and not having close friends, the stress of study and work and just general life had kind of beat me down. Thankfully I have the best husband in the world who when I said I needed help said then let's get some! I'm still running but not in the same way. I did do a 5km last year, the Glenelg Classic and can proudly say I ran the whole thing. I have decided to do the same one again this year as last year was so fabulous. Again the aim just to keep running for the whole thing. I'm now involved with a group training program, three times a week with the most awesome trainer - hey Em - and that's been great to help stretch me. Sometimes you just need someone else to kick your arse for a while.

    So, that's about it at this point, let's see what happens next.
